Saturday, September 26, 2009

The most important point.

I've asked myself the hard questions about all of these things and I think you'll agree, after you consider my arguments, that I have found convincing answers. But I've been taught a few things lately which have caused me to re prioritize my efforts to "spread the word". I've learned that people don't care how much you know until they know how much you care. In other words, it's all about love.
Love is the greatest of all the spiritual gifts. Everything else is secondary. Love has to be the first motive and ultimate message behind every attempt to "spread the word". It's not about winning an intellectual argument (even though I think that I could do that very effectively), but it's about winning the souls through the hearts of those who are looking for God.
So I need to explain why I feel motivated to write in this blog. It's because I know that there are so many people out there who don't hear anything that they can believe in. They are so calloused after seeing all the crazy ways people live and believe that they have no hope of understanding why they exist and what they should do. They have let that part of them that used to believe in right against wrong and good against evil die. They don't know what's right anymore and they have no direction or purpose for their lives. Everything good and true concerning God is hidden from them and they are left to fend for themselves with no sense of being loved.
I may speak of the Bible, but the Bible is not the source of Love. The words in the Bible contain meaning and the meaning in those words contain Love, but the Love comes straight from our Father in Heaven who expressed His Love to all mankind through the works which He did recorded in the Bible. All of it culminating to the ultimate expression of Love through the Sacrificial Death of the Lord Jesus Christ who said Himself, "greater love hath no man than this; that he lay down his life for his friends".
Love is the reason for everything that is good. God made us to need His Love and I need to share His Love with you. That's the most important point.

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