Friday, September 25, 2009

It starts where it started

Of course the biggest challenger to the Bibles authority is the argument of Darwinian Evolution. This concept has literally overthrown the fortresses of academia and established itself as the single most intelligent and scientific explanation for everything. I've noticed that the history books today teach evolution as a fact of history in the schools of the United States which is suposedly "One nation under God". The children are given assignments to draw the different levels of advancement through human evolution from monkeys to man. They are force fed all kinds of big scientific terms and illustrations that leave no room for arguement as to wether or not any of it is true. In fact, the idea of creation is not even allowed to be mentioned in any way unless it is to ridicule or dismiss it as ignorant.
The point of contention is at the very beginning. The Bible records that in the beginning God created the heavens and the earth. Evolution assumes that in the beginning nothing created the heavens and the earth. According to evolutionists, everything just formed from chaos bumping into itself after countless years. No wonder they don't want to open the door for an arguement.

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