Friday, September 25, 2009

Let us reason with eachother.

I realize that current trends dictate that everything the Bible teaches is old fashioned fairy tales that have no real substance of fact or relevance any longer. The Bible is somehow out grown by societies like a teenager who thinks that he can dismiss the authority and advice of a wise and loving parent. And like a proud teenager, our societies will learn that it would have been better for them to stay obedient and respectful of the wisdom of their parents than to have dismissed their guidance and reject their love.
The truth is that the Bible stands alone as the most legitimate and comprehensive record of ancient history. It records events, places, peoples and times with astonishing accuracy. In fact, the Bible often has the only record of certain peoples until evidence is unearthed that confirms their existence. When it comes to rulers and the times of their rule, many historians had thought that the Bible had been off by several years only to discover that it was they who had miscalculated and the Bible remained correct. There have always been those who have set out to prove the Bible wrong only to find that it was incredibly right. Such people will always be with us but let them dig. They will only find more evidence that supports the Biblical records. In fact, the Bible is the most used reference by archaeologists who are searching for the exact locations of ancient ruins.
So in spite of popular opinion, the Bible has not relented from it's immeasurable significance and influence as the highest authority in written history. To be sure, there are many who wish it had, but it most certainly has not. Like a rebellious child who screams, "I hate you!" at their father as he attempts to correct and discipline him, so are those who reject the Bible.

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