Wednesday, September 23, 2009

It's time to come Home. It's getting dark out.

We live in very interesting and critical times. The world is confused. There are so many different ideas and beliefs conflicting against each other in a never ending barrage of information coming at us from all sides. It seems impossible for anyone to actually know anything for certain anymore. We are conditioned to remain, "open minded" whenever we have the temptation to know something is absolute. It's like a perfect storm of opinions has descended upon the hearts and minds of people around the world. Our minds are like windows that have been left "open" as the dust and debris from the storm whip up.
I'd like to invite you to try to do something revolutionary. I'd like to invite you to come in from the storm where it's safe and calm, close the windows so that there isn't any more mess flying in and just relax while I tell you about things that are absolutely True, Right and Good. Let your soul get refreshed and your heart inspired by the fire of God's unchanging Love and Hope for you.

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