Friday, September 25, 2009

If we could go back...

If the world could rewind time and witness the rich history of Biblical times, they would be very surprised to find that the Bible record is very accurate. They would also be in awe of the advanced societies of those ancient times. We tend to assume that everyone was just a step above cave dwellers back then and didn't' have any real sense about the realities of our universe. Our arrogant and self-centered attitude about the ancient world only proves us to be the ignorant ones.
The ages recorded in the Bible go all the way back to the first man and woman, which researchers now admit has to be considered fact after studying the human genome. The Bible says that the first man Adam was placed in a magnificent garden called Eden. There is no place on earth that could equal the glory of this ancient garden. Eden was located at the origin of four great rivers. They were Pison, Gihon, Hiddekel and the Euphrates. We know where Eden once existed. We also know that the study of human expansion leads us to this same area as the place of origin.
Advancements in society took place rather fast after the great flood. People became students of the laws of physics and learned secrets of the earth. Soon they were well organized and capable of anything they thought to do. The most adhesive factor in their unity was their common language. At that time in history everyone shared the same language and the people desired to build themselves into a great kingdom as one people to do everything they imagined to do. The Bible records that God Himself came to the city that they were building to see what the people were capable of doing and He decided to confuse their language and cause them to become many nations instead of one. So the people scattered from that place and separated according to their languages to become many different nations, kingdoms and tribes. The Bible records that God saw that the people were unrestrained and capable of doing literally anything. Just think of how advanced they must have been.
As our researchers study the ancient world they are starting to recognize that even in the Roman ages, advancements were farther along than we first thought. Information from that time is abundant and still we are far from truly recognizing just how complex their technologies and clever their ingenuity was.
The Bible is our time machine.

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